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Watch: Police officers shown 'Super-Sexy CPR' ad while being trained in first aid

The tongue-in-cheek 'Super-Sexy CPR' advert was created by Canadian underwear firm Fortnight Lingerie.

Senior police officers had to apologise after officers were shown a steamy lingerie ad featuring scantily-clad models during a session on first aid.
Spanish cops were in to learn a few resuscitation techniques when they saw the clip of a hot blonde performing mouth-to-mouth on another model. The racy video, which is a tongue-in-cheek 'Super-Sexy CPR' advert, was created by Canadian underwear firm Fortnight Lingerie.
Police chiefs were forced to order a probe after some of the female cops complained against the video, calling it "pure and simple sexism". A spokesman of the Aragon Police said that the use of the video was "inadequate" and promised there would be no repeat.
It was the medical staff that trained officers who had selected the video in an attempt to bring in some humour element. A source also said that the medical staff had used to video several times before without any complaints.


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